Friday, June 27, 2014


Hi guys it's annedrews here with a different kind of post today....decor!

I just recently bought the Loft after many months of procrastination and I knew that I didn't want to do the basic "fashion showroom" look so I decided to get creative!

Here I will show you all how I re-created Urban Outfitter's decor!

Most of the items here are starcoin items, I will not go over every individual piece because I do not remember where I got everything but you are welcome to go visit my suite and check the prices of specific items (thank you Stardoll for that feature)!

I am again looking for at least 2 new writers who will be active almost every day! These new writers will be mainly posting OOTDs (outfit of the days) and weekly contest (unless anything else comes up then I will notify you)!
Here is the application:
Stardoll name:
Why you want to write:
TWO Outfit submissions:
Anything else you want to share about you:

Please keep these things in mind:

This is an open application, anyone can apply SS, Royalty, or none!
When submitting outfits; There is NO official dress code for this blog but please do keep in mind the theme of the blog (alternative fashion)
Please continue to respect all Stardoll rules on this blog 

Until next time xx

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